DIAMONDS reviewed in the Harvard Review

In the Harvard Review, Adam Scheffler wrote: “Despite starting in hell, and despite its commitment to clear-eyed description of disappointments and trials, Diamonds demonstrates how poetry can be a partial antidote to life’s bitterness—for both writer and reader. This works best when Guthrie’s zany bravura and imaginative listing, her playfulness and wit, are brought to bear on the issues most troubling to her, which include—in addition to the challenges of being a financially insecure single parent—society’s “brute indifference” towards poetry; romantic love’s delights and letdowns; horrific current events (“sea level rises” and “ruthless ideologies”); the impossibility of transcendence; and gender trouble (the book is delightfully feminist through and through).”


Camille interviewed for the Manchester Journal by Telly Halkias


DIAMONDS reviewed in The Boston Globe